If you are new to birdwatching, here are some great resources to help you learn more about birds and learn to identify them. These apps, books and resources have been invaluable to me as I learn more.
Helpful Birdwatching Apps
Merlin Bird ID (by Cornell)
This is a great app for bird identification and there are multiple avenues for ID: by description, by photo, by sound or just by looking through photos. More information.

Seek App
I love the Seek app for identification of plants, insects and animals. It doesn’t always work, but most of the time it does. Being able to identify something is half the battle. Once you know what it is, you can do research and learn more about it. It also functions as a really nice list of all of things you have seen.
More information.

eBird (by Cornell)
eBird is an app where you can report sightings of birds. The other super cool feature is that you can see where others locally are seeing particular birds and what birds are around at a given time. I found out about several hotspots this way. Not only can you view this information in the app, but you can sign up for emails about rare bird sightings in your area and daily sightings. More information.

This is a great website / app by Cornell that allows you to become a citizen scientist. You can track any nests on your property, as well as learn to identify nests and eggs. More information.

Birdwatching Books

Sibley Bird Guides -Any of these books are a great resource to have. We have several versions in our house.
Birding Groups
I have learned so much by being a member of birding groups. Search on Facebook for groups in your area. Also, google Bird or Birdwatching + your city name to see if there are any official clubs.
Local suggestions for Virginia/Roanoke:
- Birding Virginia on Facebook.
- Roanoke Birdwatchers on Facebook (This is a brand new group that I created.)
- Roanoke Valley Bird Club
Want to make your your own bird feeder?
Here are instructions to make plastic bottle feeder. A boy scout working towards his Bird Study Merit Badge shared this with me. (Thanks, Ethan!)
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